Jasper Johns: Recent Paintings and Works on Paper

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Individual Artists

Jasper Johns: Recent Paintings and Works on Paper Details

Review His work speaks to the sense that truth is never certain or static, especially for things like nationhood.... Johns introduces these complicated ideas in a self-assured yet vernacular style unmatched by any of the American avant-gardists working in the latter half of the 20th century.--Matthew Holman "Apollo Magazine "Johns's enigmatic and epigrammatic work irradiated self-belief, and announced, in clarion terms, that the dominance of abstraction was over, kaput, defunct. He had discovered a clever way of reintroducing reality into the realm of fine art.--Alastair Sooke "The Telegraph "The formidable catalog for the formidable exhibition...--Peter Plagens "Wall Street Journal "...the enormous new catalogue raisonee of Jasper Johns, a five-volume monument to the most inscrutable figure in modern American art.--Jason Farago "New York Review of Books " Read more


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